10 Ways to Protect Your Vibe
We all know its coming, and quickly approaching- I might add. The HOLIDAYS. Now this year is definitely going to be different from all the holidays before because of of course, Covid-19. With numbers back on the rise many are cancelling their holiday planned events and accepting a more low- key celebration with immediate family. This is creating an interesting space for people with different energies. There are some people happy as hell to be separated from their families/friends and obligations- the introverts. Then, there are others that are truly missing the interactions and being surrounded by others energy- the extroverts. There are even people that can identify with both. Whichever side you may be on, it is necessary to protect yourself and keep your vibrations high. So I wanted to talk about ways to protect your energy during these times but all the information can be used whenever you feel like something could kill your vibe.
How do I protect energy and keep my vibration high? Smudging, crystals and mantras. I cleanse my space with either sage or lavender smudging before and after visitors. Light my crystal candles to lighten the mood I keep a crystal with me at all times. I try to find a crystal that will help in whatever situation I need assistance with. Most times, it’s in my pocket or bra. I use specific mantras related to what I need in that situation as well.
Protecting yourself can take many forms- we will go into detail below. Next to each suggestion is a crystal you can use to help you with achieving it.
Let go of things you can’t control:
Crystal- Selenite: Encourages an optimistic outlook with a mind over matter approach.
I know it’s easier said than done, but it is necessary. Dwelling, grudges, resentment, are all detrimental to not only your growth, but to your energy. If it’s out of your hands let it be out of your mind as well. Have security and faith that have done your best with the situation. This is the best way towards a less stressful and favorable outcome.
Don’t compare yourself to others:
Crystal-Kyanite: Swiftly clears blockages to breaking ties and releases emotional hooks.
I REPEAT DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. A hard truth to swallow is- “Everything ain’t for everybody”. Remember that this life of yours is YOURS. Looking at someones journey and wanting it for yourself can produce envy. Envy blocks blessings and good energy. A good way to combat that is celebrating the wins of others.
Have Faith- Not fears:
Crystal- Lapiz Lazuli: Stabilizes confidence and allows for self-comfort and reassurance
Focus on the good. Know that your blessings are coming and that nothing can stop them. Mindset is the key to changing your life. The more good you think about- the more good you see, and the more good you see- the more surrounds you. Vice- versa on the negative side of things as well. If you think that your family holiday is going to be a disaster- chances are it will be. Going in with no expectations is a safe zone. No matter the outcome, you won’t be disappointed
Lapiz Lazuli
4. Follow your intuition:
Crystal- Garnet: Stimulates will-power, boosts confidence and self belief
Focus on how your body reacts to certain situations. You need to know the signs of your triggers and when you will react to them. If your body is telling you something listen to it. If you feel that you are going to react negatively to someone or something don’t do it. Trust that you know yourself and that it will do more good to avoid the situation. I do need to add my disclaimer- As a person that suffers from anxiety sometimes those little signs become big signs. Sometimes they can even lead you to fear which can lead you astray. So if you also feel like this at times, work heavily on step 3, that helps develop your intuition.
5, Spend some time alone:
Crystal-Moonstone: Creates new beginning and helps the acceptance of change
This is the best way to get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you have an upper hand. You know your triggers & fears. Which means you can know when something is going to bother you or starts bothering you and you can remove yourself from the situation. You know how to alleviate them. In a situation that you can’t remove yourself out of, it allows for you to know how to calm yourself when you are hurt or triggered. You know how to make yourself happy. Whenever, you need to recover from a situation that affected you negatively, you know how to cheer yourself up and make yourself smile. To learn these things, you need to reflect and spend time alone doing what you like and what makes you happy.
6. Avoid gossip & belittling others:
Crystal-Azurite: Clears the mind of negative thought patterns helping you see different
It can be hard when spending time with others and catching up with others. When talking to people be mindful of the topics that are being discussed. If it makes you uncomfortable, it’s probably best to change the topic. Especially if the topic is about someone else. Everyone has their own crap to deal with. So be mindful of it. My rule is- If you won’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it at all. Most definitely don’t say it to me. Gossip & belittling are signs of envy. All those things block your blessings and ill will can come back tenfold. Keep your slate clean and mind your business. Also, encourage others to do the same.
7. Speak kind to yourself and others:
Crystal- Rose Quartz: Enhances unconditional love and dispels negativity
Often we speak so highly of others and are incapable of doing that for ourselves. Think about how you cheer on your loved ones. Consider how you show support and affections. Do you show that same energy and love to yourself? I used to catch myself all the time telling myself that I made a stupid decision or mistake. That’s not how I would talk to my friends and family though. So, I tried to shift my thoughts and say nicer things to myself. This has helped me address my need for self love and I attribute this to a lot of my spiritual growth.
8. Please yourself before pleasing others:
Crystal- Amethyst: Defines boundaries to create control and assertion of authority
You can’t help others until you help yourself. People with good intention often forget that rule. An empty glass cannot pour into another glass. Now, I am not saying be selfish; just be mindful. Givers tend to forget themselves when giving their last to other people. Then they end up frustrated when they themselves need help and no one is sticking their neck out for them as they have done plenty of times in the past. Trust me, I’ve been there.
9. Stay away from energy whores:
Crystal- Black Tourmaline: Shields you from the energy around you providing a safe haven for your own.
Some people just want to be around you, and there is nothing wrong with that...until there is. On occasion, you may run into a person that wants to drag you down with them. They are people that don’t cheer for you when your doing well. They are the people that only want what they can get out of you. Keep track of your energy and make sure your not being spending too much of it on people that cannot match your energy.
10. Ignore any opinions that don’t enhance your life:
Crystal- Obsidian: Protects against unwanted negative attention.
Unsolicited advice and projections from others, my best suggestion is to shut it down. Just because your loved ones want what’s best for you- but that doesn’t mean they KNOW what’s best for you. Taking advice from others is a great way to learn from the mistakes of others. However, if you cannot separate yourself from them and recognize that your results may differ